BOX 19 - Kits 73-74-75-76

Kit 73

The parts of kit 73

  • 73A Left hinge base
  • 73B Short link ( x2 )
  • 73C Long link ( x2 )
  • 73D Left bonnet bracket
  • 73E Right hinge base
  • 73F Right bonnet bracket
  • 73G Bonnet support bracket
  • AM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 11)
  • CM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 5)
  • BM M 2,0 x 4 mm (x 3)
Step 1
Fit two 73C Long links to 73E Right and 73A Left hinge bases and fix with two AM screws , allowing link to move . Fit two 73B Short links by its longer ( blue arrow ) eye plate to 73E Right and 73A Left hinge bases and fix with two AM screws , allowing link to move.

Fit free ends of two 73C Long and two 73B Short links to 73D Left and 73F Right bonnet brackets and fix with four AM screws , allowing hinge assembly movement .

Fit 73D Left and 73F Right bonnet brackets to 1A Bonnet and fix with two BM screws .

Fit 73G Bonnet support bracket to 1A Bonnet and fix with AM screw .

Outstretch 73E Right and 73A Left hinge bases ( green arrow ) and slide both into the slot under 66A Air intake grille side edges ( blue arrows ) , fitting home into 64A Body frame and 68A Front subframe sockets (  lower illustrations ).

Make sure 1A Bonnet is pressed home flush with adjacent surfaces . Turn car body over , and fix 73E Right , 73A Left hinge bases to 64A Body frame and 68A Front subframe with four CM screws ( lower illustrations ) .

Check 1A Bonnet opening and closing ( blue arrow ) .

Assembly drawings
General view

Kit 74

The parts of kit 74

  • 74A Rear left quarterlight glass
  • 74B Rear right quarterlight glass
  • 74C Left door lock panel
  • 74D Right door lock panel
  • CM M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 5)
Step 2

Fit 74D Right door lock panel to 64A Body frame and fix with two CM screws.

Fit 74B Rear right quarterlight glass to 64A Body frame ( lower illustrations )

Fit 74C Left door lock panel to 64A Body frame and fix with two CM screws.

Fit 74A Rear left quarterlight glass to 64A Body frame ( lower illustrations ).

Assembly drawings
General view

Kit 75

The parts of kit 75

  • 75A Left GTI molding
  • 75B Left L9 molding
  • 75C Right GTI molding
  • 75D Right L9 molding
  • 75E Fuel filler base
  • 75F Fuel filler lock cap
  • AP M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 2)
Step 3

Fit 75A Left GTI molding and 75B Left L9 molding to 64A Body ( lower illustrations )

Fit 75C Right GTI molding and 75D Right L9 molding to 64A Body.

Fit 75F Fuel filler lock cap to 75E Fuel filler base.

Fit 75E Fuel filler base to 64A Body and fix with AP screw ( lower illustrations ).

Assembly drawings
General view

Kit 76

The parts of kit 76

  • 76A Tailgate
  • 76B Left tailgate hinge
  • 76C Right tailgate hinge
  • 76D Washer fluid nozzle 
  • AM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 3)
Step 4

Fit 76C Right tailgate hinge to 76A Tailgate upper inner side fix with AM screw.

Fit 76B Left tailgate hinge to 76A Tailgate upper inner side and fix with AM screw.

Fit 76D Washer fluid nozzle to 76A Tailgate lower outer panel.

Assembly drawings
General view