Peugeot 205 GTI 1.9 - Box 16

Peugeot 205 GTI 1.9 - Box 16

Kit 61

Parts of kit

  • 61A Instrument console
  • 61B Instrument screen
  • 61C Instrument back plate
  • 61D Cigar lighter
  • 61E Optional button plug
  • 61F Instrument panel LED cable J ( red - green )
  • AP M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 5)
61A Instrument console61B Instrument screen61C Instrument back plate61D Cigar lighter61E Optional button plug61F Instrument panel LED cable J ( red - green )AP M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 5)

Step 1

Fit 61C Instrument back plate to 61A Instrument console and fix with two AP screws.

Fit 61C Instrument back plate to 61A Instrument console and fix with two AP screws.
Fit two LEDs lamps of 61F Instrument panel LED cable J ( red-green ) in 61C Instrument back plate sockets.

Fit two LEDs lamps of 61F Instrument panel LED cable J ( red-green ) in 61C Instrument back plate sockets.

Pass 61F Instrument panel LED cable J (red - green ) through square opening in 60A Upper dashboard panel (blue arrow). Fit 61A Instrument console to 60A Upper dashboard panel and fix with two AP screws. (Llower illustrations)

Pass 61F Instrument panel LED cable J (red - green ) through square opening in 60A Upper dashboard panel (blue arrow). Fit 61A Instrument console to 60A Upper dashboard panel and fix with two AP screws. (Llower illustrations)
Step 1

Fit 61B Instrument screen to 61A Instrument console.

Fit 61B Instrument screen to 61A Instrument console.

Fit 61D Cigar lighter and 61E Optional button plug to 60A Upper dashboard panel sockets.

Fit 61D Cigar lighter and 61E Optional button plug to 60A Upper dashboard panel sockets.

61D Cigar lighter and 61E Optional button plug installed on 60A Upper dashboard panel.

61D Cigar lighter and 61E Optional button plug installed on 60A Upper dashboard panel.

Assembly drawings

Assembly drawings

General view

General view
General view

Kit 62

Parts of kit

  • 62A Facia panel
  • 62B Fuse console
  • 62C Clamp
  • AP M 1,7 x4mm ( x7 )
  • AM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 3)
62A Facia panel62B Fuse console62C ClampAP M 1,7 x4mm ( x7 )AM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 3)

Step 2

Undo two AM screws to release 18B Steering column link. 

Undo two AM screws to release 18B Steering column link. 

Fit 18B Steering column link to preassembled Steering wheel 2G Universal joint and fix with two AM screws.

Fit 18B Steering column link to preassembled Steering wheel 2G Universal joint and fix with two AM screws.

18B Steering column link attached to preassembled Steering wheel.

18B Steering column link attached to preassembled Steering wheel.

Fit 62B Fuse console all the way in the slot on the back side of 62A Facia panel.

Fit 62B Fuse console all the way in the slot on the back side of 62A Facia panel.

Fit 62C Clamp to 62A Facia panel , securing 62B Fuse console , and fix with two AP screws.

Fit 62C Clamp to 62A Facia panel , securing 62B Fuse console , and fix with two AP screws.

Move 62B Fuse console in up position ( blue arrow ).

Move 62B Fuse console in up position ( blue arrow ).

Fit 62A Facia panel to 60A Upper dashboard panel and fix with four AP screws.

Fit 62A Facia panel to 60A Upper dashboard panel and fix with four AP screws.
Step 2

Preassembled Dashboard

Preassembled Dashboard

Assembly drawings

Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings

General view

General view
General view

Kit 63

Parts of kit

  • 63A Clock and ashtray panel
  • 63B Glove box lid
  • 63C Glove box rear wall
  • 63D Steering column upper housing
  • 63E Steering column lower housing
  • 63F Lighting and signalling control
  • 63G Screewn wiper - screen wash control
  • 63H Switch keeper plank
  • 63I Switch holder
  • 63J Hazard warning knob
  • 63K Rear screen heater knob
  • 63L Rear fog lamp knob
  • 63M Clamp
  • 63N G cable ( white-gray )
  • 63O M cable ( yellow-green )
  • 63P S cable ( red-green )
  • 63Q Tape strips ( x6 ) 
  • AP M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 17)
  • IP M 2,0 x 5 mm (x 11)
  • AM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 3)
  • BM M 2,0 x 4 mm (x 5)
  • CM M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 3)
  • NM M 2,0 x 6 mm (x 4)
63A Clock and ashtray panel63B Glove box lid63C Glove box rear wall63D Steering column upper housing63E Steering column lower housing63F Lighting and signalling control63G Screewn wiper - screen wash control63H Switch keeper plank63I Switch holder63J Hazard warning knob63K Rear screen heater knob63L Rear fog lamp knob63M Clamp63N G cable ( white-gray )63O M cable ( yellow-green )63P S cable ( red-green )63Q Tape strips ( x6 ) AP M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 17)IP M 2,0 x 5 mm (x 11)AM M 1,7 x 3 mm (x 3)BM M 2,0 x 4 mm (x 5)CM M 1,7 x 4 mm (x 3)NM M 2,0 x 6 mm (x 4)

Step 3

Fit 63A Clock and ashtray panel to 62A Facia panel and fix from back side with AP screw ( top and bottom illustrations ).

Fit 63A Clock and ashtray panel to 62A Facia panel and fix from back side with AP screw ( top and bottom illustrations ).
Step 3

Fit 63B Glove box lid to 62A Facia panel.

Fit 63B Glove box lid to 62A Facia panel.

Fit 63C Glove box rear wall to 62A Facia panel and fix with two AP screws.

Fit 63C Glove box rear wall to 62A Facia panel and fix with two AP screws.

Check opening and closing of 63B Glove box lid ( blue arrows ).

Check opening and closing of 63B Glove box lid ( blue arrows ).

Fit 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( green-yellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) switches to 63I Switch holder.

Fit 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( green-yellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) switches to 63I Switch holder.

Secure 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( greenyellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) switches in 63I Switch holder with 63H Switch keeper plank and two AP screws ( bottom illustrations ).

Secure 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( greenyellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) switches in 63I Switch holder with 63H Switch keeper plank and two AP screws ( bottom illustrations ).
Step 3

Fit 63J Hazard warning , 63K Rear screen heater and 63L Rear fog lamp buttons to 62A Facia panel back side . Check orientation of buttons’ signs on the front side of 62A Facia panel to be as shown below.

Fit 63J Hazard warning , 63K Rear screen heater and 63L Rear fog lamp buttons to 62A Facia panel back side . Check orientation of buttons’ signs on the front side of 62A Facia panel to be as shown below.
Step 3

Aim to fit switches of 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( green-yellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) into sockets of 63J Hazard warning , 63K Rear screen heater and 63L Rear fog lamp buttons , securing 63I Switch holder to 62A Facia panel back side with two AP screws ( top and bottom illustrations ).

Aim to fit switches of 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( green-yellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) into sockets of 63J Hazard warning , 63K Rear screen heater and 63L Rear fog lamp buttons , securing 63I Switch holder to 62A Facia panel back side with two AP screws ( top and bottom illustrations ).
Step 3

Push 63J Hazard warning , 63K Rear screen heater and 63L Rear fog lamp buttons to feel the slight clicking of switches.

Push 63J Hazard warning , 63K Rear screen heater and 63L Rear fog lamp buttons to feel the slight clicking of switches.

Fit 63F Lighting and signalling , 63G Screewn wiper - screen wash controls and 2F Steering column to their respective nests in 63D Steering column upper housing . Pay attention to signs orientation ( red arrows sign facing up , green arrow sign facing down ).

Fit 63F Lighting and signalling , 63G Screewn wiper - screen wash controls and 2F Steering column to their respective nests in 63D Steering column upper housing . Pay attention to signs orientation ( red arrows sign facing up , green arrow sign facing down ).

Fit 63E Steering column lower housing to 63D Steering column upper housing and fix with two AP screws . (lower illustrations ).

Fit 63E Steering column lower housing to 63D Steering column upper housing and fix with two AP screws . (lower illustrations ).
Step 3

Fit 63E Steering column lower housing to 62A Facia panel and fix with two BM screws ( upper and lower illustrations ).

Fit 63E Steering column lower housing to 62A Facia panel and fix with two BM screws ( upper and lower illustrations ).
Step 3

Steering wheel is attached to Dashboard.

Steering wheel is attached to Dashboard.

Fit 48A Centre console to 62A Facia panel and fix with two AP screws.

Fit 48A Centre console to 62A Facia panel and fix with two AP screws.

Centre console is attached to Dashboard.

Centre console is attached to Dashboard.

Fit 45A Saloon floor to 48A Centre console with 62A Facia panel and fix respectively with three and two AP screws.

Fit 45A Saloon floor to 48A Centre console with 62A Facia panel and fix respectively with three and two AP screws.

Dashboard and Centre console are attached to Saloon floor.

Dashboard and Centre console are attached to Saloon floor.

Guide 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( greenyellow ) , 63P S Cable ( red-green ) and 61F J Cable ( redgreen ) between two pegs on 48A Centre console , secure them with 63M Clamp and fix with AP screw.

Guide 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( greenyellow ) , 63P S Cable ( red-green ) and 61F J Cable ( redgreen ) between two pegs on 48A Centre console , secure them with 63M Clamp and fix with AP screw.
Step 3

Assembly drawings

Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings

General view

General view
General view

Kit 64

Parts of kit

  • 64A Body frame
64A Body frame

Step 4

Lead one by one , through square opening in 22A Chassis panel the following wires : 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( green- yellow ) , 63P S Cable ( red-green ) , 61F J Cable ( red-green ) and 49F B Cable ( yellow - black ).

Lead one by one , through square opening in 22A Chassis panel the following wires : 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( green- yellow ) , 63P S Cable ( red-green ) , 61F J Cable ( red-green ) and 49F B Cable ( yellow - black ).

Fit the plugs of 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( greenyellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) into respective letter marked sockets on 44H Circuit board.

Fit the plugs of 63N G Cable ( white-gray ), 63O M Cable ( greenyellow ) and 63P S Cable ( red-green ) into respective letter marked sockets on 44H Circuit board.

Further , fit the plugs of 61F J Cable ( red-green ) and 49F B Cable ( yellow - black ) into respective letter marked sockets on 44H Circuit board.

Further , fit the plugs of 61F J Cable ( red-green ) and 49F B Cable ( yellow - black ) into respective letter marked sockets on 44H Circuit board.

Fit 44A Left side fuel tank to 22A Chassis panel , by turning it over ( blue arrows ) and slipping under hoses pointed by green and red arrows.

Fit 44A Left side fuel tank to 22A Chassis panel , by turning it over ( blue arrows ) and slipping under hoses pointed by green and red arrows.

Fix 44A Left fuel tank flanges to 22A Chassis panel with two BM screws . Fix 36G Left parking brake cable ( pointed by red arrow on previous illustration ) with 44C Clamp to 44A Left fuel tank using AP screw.

Fix 44A Left fuel tank flanges to 22A Chassis panel with two BM screws . Fix 36G Left parking brake cable ( pointed by red arrow on previous illustration ) with 44C Clamp to 44A Left fuel tank using AP screw.

Fit 44B Heatshield on top of 44A Left fuel tank flange and fix it with three NM screws.

Fit 44B Heatshield on top of 44A Left fuel tank flange and fix it with three NM screws.

Left side Fuel tank and Heatshield are installed.

Left side Fuel tank and Heatshield are installed.

Prior to installing the Exhaust duct , take note of first two attachment points : 41A Front pipe goes under 16B Subframe bar ( further explained on next two illustrations ) and 41D Catalytic converter top peg fits into 22A Chassis panel nest.

Prior to installing the Exhaust duct , take note of first two attachment points : 41A Front pipe goes under 16B Subframe bar ( further explained on next two illustrations ) and 41D Catalytic converter top peg fits into 22A Chassis panel nest.

Note 6I Exhaust manifold flange niche and fit 41A Front pipe end into it , passing down under 16B Subframe bar ( top and bottom illustrations ).

Note 6I Exhaust manifold flange niche and fit 41A Front pipe end into it , passing down under 16B Subframe bar ( top and bottom illustrations ).
Step 4

Fit 41D Catalytic converter top peg into 22A Chassis panel nest and fix from above with IP screw ( bottom illustrations).

Fit 41D Catalytic converter top peg into 22A Chassis panel nest and fix from above with IP screw ( bottom illustrations).
Step 4

Fit 42C Exhaust silencer to 42E Exhaust mount and secure it with 42D Clip and two CM screws ( bottom illustrations ) .

Fit 42C Exhaust silencer to 42E Exhaust mount and secure it with 42D Clip and two CM screws ( bottom illustrations ) .
Step 4

Spread 41G D Cable ( gray - white ) , 41H E Cable ( gray - white ) , 41E Speaker cable C ( red - green ) and 41I K Cable ( red - black ) as shown and fix with three 63Q Tapes to 22A Chassis panel.

Spread 41G D Cable ( gray - white ) , 41H E Cable ( gray - white ) , 41E Speaker cable C ( red - green ) and 41I K Cable ( red - black ) as shown and fix with three 63Q Tapes to 22A Chassis panel.

Group together cables mentioned on previous illustration , plus 44I H Cable ( red - green ) and 36G , 36H Hoses and tie down to 22A Chassis panel with 63Q tape.

Group together cables mentioned on previous illustration , plus 44I H Cable ( red - green ) and 36G , 36H Hoses and tie down to 22A Chassis panel with 63Q tape.

Lead 44I H cable ( red - green ) to both sides of 22A Chassis panel , 44J F cable ( blue - white ) to right side and fix at the sides with two 63Q tapes.

Lead 44I H cable ( red - green ) to both sides of 22A Chassis panel , 44J F cable ( blue - white ) to right side and fix at the sides with two 63Q tapes.

Cables arranged for Saloon and Chassis assembly.

Cables arranged for Saloon and Chassis assembly.

Undo two AM screws and remove 18A Joint link from 17G Shaft fork ( above illustration ) to fit it to 18B Shaft fork and fix with two AM screws ( illustration below ) . This arrangement will facilitate further assembly.

Undo two AM screws and remove 18A Joint link from 17G Shaft fork ( above illustration ) to fit it to 18B Shaft fork and fix with two AM screws ( illustration below ) . This arrangement will facilitate further assembly.
Step 4

Putting Saloon on top of Chassis , lead 17G Shaft through square opening in 49A Pedals’ panel , and before engaging the shaft fork with 18A Joint link , check the forward alignment of Front wheels ( blue arrow on illustration below ) and vertical alignment of 2D Steering wheel ( green arrow ).

Putting Saloon on top of Chassis , lead 17G Shaft through square opening in 49A Pedals’ panel , and before engaging the shaft fork with 18A Joint link , check the forward alignment of Front wheels ( blue arrow on illustration below ) and vertical alignment of 2D Steering wheel ( green arrow ).
Step 4

After the above described alignment , finally engage 17G Shaft fork with 18A Joint link and fix from left and right sides with two AM screws.

After the above described alignment , finally engage 17G Shaft fork with 18A Joint link and fix from left and right sides with two AM screws.

Fit 45A Saloon floor to 22A Chassis panel and fix with four IP screws.

Fit 45A Saloon floor to 22A Chassis panel and fix with four IP screws.

Undo 44D Battery cover screw ( red arrow ) and open it ( blue arrow ).

Undo 44D Battery cover screw ( red arrow ) and open it ( blue arrow ).

Fit two AAA size batteries into 43F Battery compartment of Right side Fuel tank , observing “+” and “-” polarities ( greenarrows ) . Put ON battery compartment swithch ( red arrow ). Re-close Battery compartment.

Fit two AAA size batteries into 43F Battery compartment of Right side Fuel tank , observing “+” and “-” polarities ( greenarrows ) . Put ON battery compartment swithch ( red arrow ). Re-close Battery compartment.

Turn the 2D Steering wheel ( blue arrow ) to see front wheels response . Press 63L Rear fog lamp knob to observe Instrument panel back light . Press 63K Rear screen heater knob to hear the Engine sound . Press 63J Hazard warning knob to hear Horn sound.

Turn the 2D Steering wheel ( blue arrow ) to see front wheels response . Press 63L Rear fog lamp knob to observe Instrument panel back light . Press 63K Rear screen heater knob to hear the Engine sound . Press 63J Hazard warning knob to hear Horn sound.

Saloon mounted on Chassis.

Saloon mounted on Chassis.

Saloon mounted on Chassis.

Saloon mounted on Chassis.

Undo four screws to remove two spacer bars from 64A Body frame.

Undo four screws to remove two spacer bars from 64A Body frame.

Assembly drawings

Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings
Assembly drawings

General view

General view
General view

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